Olvasóinktól : Olvasónk levele a magyarellenes ET-alelnöknek |
Olvasónk levele a magyarellenes ET-alelnöknek
Attila TAKÁCS 2012.02.14. 04:53
Eleget tett egy kedves olvasónk Gaudi-Nagy Tamás kérésének, és levélben fordult a magyar zászlót levetető svéd ET-alelnökhöz. Az angol szöveg lényege röviden: csókolja meg, amit a képen lát!
Dear Ms. Marietta de Pourbaix-Lundin,
I was fortunate to see your reaction about the small Hungarian flag on the table during Dr.Gaudi-Nagy’s speech.
As a Hungarian and as a Canadian (as a citizen of a very tolerant and great country), I would like to express my opinion about your reaction by having our national symbol removed by force in the assembly, by sending you this picture taken in 2008 on Canada Day with my friends. So, on behalf of many Hungarians (who feel the same way) living on the continent (in the EU) and in Canada/US - please enjoy it. It was really made in Canada, but was made by Hungarians.
Unfortunately, there is no Hungarian version of the Canadian removable tattoo/sticker, but it expresses fully my opinion about your behaivor. So, Ms. Lundin… kiss it!
All the best for you,